It is a crazy world out there. Time relentlessly moves ahead, we grow older and have less and less time to fulfill our dreams. Well, it feels that way to most of us anyway. We all, every single one of us, have our own vision of our life, of what is it and what we want it to be. We have our concepts of how things work, how and what to do in specific situations; and what we need in order to accomplish our dreams.

Most of us accept the fact our dreams will forever be just that, dreams. We convince ourselves that it is just not meant to be, or that Life is a cruel game where only a few selected ones win. Sometimes we tell ourselves that probably we are simply not meant to live out our dreams; that we don’t deserve it, that we are not brave, strong, pushy or lucky enough. So we shrug it off and find a new way to blend in the life that we can have.

But it’s not our dreams that are the problem. It is our firm vision of how we are supposed to get there, and when.

I believe we wouldn’t have those dreams in the first place if we weren’t meant to fulfill them, or at least strive towards fulfilling them. So, we have a “bad” year or two, or five, it doesn’t matter. How do we know that the experience of those “bad” times isn’t exactly what we need to make a step forward in the right direction? How do we know that those “bad” years aren’t teaching us exactly what we need to know?

We don’t, but we as humans, always hold on to the negative. It wasn’t the year I planned to have, I’m, suffering, life is cruel etc. It’s the game we all play, with more or less awareness. And it’s such a silly game.

Abandon your dreams… or, rather, abandon the idea of how to achieve them. Keep only the image of your goal, the vision of the dream accomplished, nothing else. Life will work out the best way for you to get there. It might not be the shortest path, or the quickest. But, it will most certainly be the best path for you.

Stop looking at other people. Stop comparing yourself with others. On the surface, they appear to have what you want… money, success, wealthy or good looking spouses; things, more things, shinier things. But if you think they are happier for it, you are blinded by the shine of their wealth.

Besides, their path is their path.. they might have something you think you want, but they are going through their life-lessons, just like you are going through yours. All we really have is our own journey.

And in the end, you realize it was not the dream that mattered, accomplished or not. It was not even the journey there. It was all about reaching the point where you start understanding that all you really have to do is to allow Life to happen, without pushing it faster or resisting it, or running away from it. Maybe that happens after you have reached your goals, maybe somewhere along the way there, or just after yet another “failure”, but when it happens, you will smile, knowing you reached the only real goal, the only true aspiration. The dreams you cherished so much until that point will all but fade away, like fog after sunrise. Allow Life to be, and realize all the dreams are already there, in the space between two thoughts you were never aware of before, chasing your illusions.

The dreams you cherished so much until that point will all but fade away, like fog after sunrise. Allow Life to be, and realize all the dreams are already there, in the space between two thoughts you were always too busy to give notice to.



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