We are, all of us, born into friction. It takes a few years, with the birth of an Ego, for us to start feeling it, but it’s there, patiently waiting, hidden in plain sight. Life is a fast-flowing river, and we are pebbles inherently inert in a tight embrace with gravity. Everything within us makes it difficult for us to let go and flow as one with the river; allowing it to take us to an inevitable Source. We tumble, scrape along the river bed, and bump into larger rocks. We get caught in an occasional whirlpool, feeling lost and drained of energy. We hold on to the last river bends because the next one feels scarier, unknown. It’s natural, and it’s all designed specifically for us.

Since we innately resist the occasional tumble and turbulence of Life, we treasure the moments of stillness so much we make it our life’s purpose to not move if we can help it. We just want a break from a Life of challenges and trials. We just want a peaceful time and we do everything we can to create a space where change visits as rarely as possible, to create a life with no challenges, a bubble of our own creation.

Most people desperately cling to what they think they have and who they think they are, fighting the world, teeth and nails, to not change anything or to change as little as possible. They cry in despair as the world around them inevitably forces change, resisting at every step of the way, cursing, blaming, compromising, and suffering needlessly.

The wise ones, the ones who have hurt enough, know to spread their arms and let go. They place their attention on what they gain by changing, not on what they might lose by it.

This friction between the way our minds are made to think, and Life’s neverending attempts to expand our minds and open our hearts is an ancient dance, as old as the Universe itself; a system that was put into place as the first atoms were forged in the fires of Creation. There is nothing wrong with it, it’s not a mistake, it’s not made to make us suffer and it’s not any kind of punishment. It is the very fabric of the Universe, made in a way to ensure no one is left behind, no one forgotten or abandoned. No matter how set in our ways we are, no matter how hard our minds become, life continues its flow and we are bound to flow with it, sooner or later. Change, expansion, transmutation, and transcendence are the very core of the Creation, and we are but embers drifting in the winds of its dynamic manifestations.

So, as everything constantly flows and changes, it nudges us to flow, too. Sometimes these are tiny, gentle, subtle nudges. Other times the nudge feels more like an earthquake, where it feels our lives (and our very minds) are falling apart. Painful as it might be, it’s not only necessary but positive and good. We don’t see it, mostly. Sometimes it takes years for us to acknowledge that anything positive might come from life’s tragedies, but eventually, if we learn to stop replaying the pain and open up again, we transcend. Because you have experienced something, you can help others that go through the same. Because you know how it felt, and what traps and challenges increased your suffering, you can help others avoid them.

We needn’t suffer. We can grow from the friction and ultimately, avoid it altogether. Becoming aware of our journey and embracing it wholeheartedly is the first, crucial step. Remembering we signed up for the journey knowing perfectly well of all its trials and difficulties we’ll face should help.

We forget, though. It’s a part of being human and having this body and this mind. But so is remembrance, expansion and growth. No matter what stage your life is at, just remember it will shift and change. If you are in a beautiful space, use this knowledge as a reminder to enjoy it, to truly allow yourself to soak it all in while it lasts, to be present, eyes and heart wide open. If you’re in a painful place now, that only means better times are coming next. Don’t allow your mind to make you forget all the times of your life when you thought you can’t take it anymore, that you are about to break. And yet, here you are, wiser and stronger for it all. Whatever problems you’re facing now, they only appear different or bigger because you momentarily forgot that you are, too.

Take a moment and remember who you are. Not the body, not the mind or a persona it created while you weren’t watching. The real you. The softest, most subtle of energies, yet unbreakable and eternal and ever-experiencing. There is nothing out here, in the material world that can touch you, let alone hurt or break you. Know this, take it in, allow this simple truth to become an integral part of your thoughts and ideas, and watch your fears dissipate and disappear. Better yet, don’t even bother with them and place your attention on the Light rising within you, roaring loudly in a frequency that is so uniquely, unmistakeably You.

You are strong and powerful, it says. You are guided and loved. You are on a journey you yourself have chosen, so trust your own judgment. Be brave, because you Are.

(7 warmest hugs to anyone reading this – you are NEVER alone.)



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