There is nothing I need to do. You take care of everything for me. It took me a long time to realize it, and even more to relax in it, but I feel it now and there is no resistance. Your Grace is ingrained into a fabric of everyone and everything. When my mind calms, I can clearly see it, running everything in perfect order.
You breathe for me. My lungs rise and contract on their own, there is nothing I need to do or think to make it happen. My body knows when to breathe in and when to breathe out. The air is guided exactly where it needs to be, received by the blood cells and distributed throughout the body, all without my interaction or even control.
You walk for me. My body keeps the balance as one leg moves and rises and steps ahead and knows when to shift the weight to the other one. I can feel the muscles contract and the bones of my foot expand as it receives the weight of the body, but there is nothing that I need to do for it to happen. My body learned it all by itself, from its earliest months it knew what to do and how to get to this point. I was born into a matrix of information and function within it, even without being aware of its existence.
I see the world through the eyes you created. My mind analyses the information of what is it that I see around me automatically, without my interference. My pupils know when to expand or contract. There is no need for me to do anything, other than enjoy the fact I see and appreciate everything that I have been given to glance.
And in the same way, I see now that the entire world flows within the same Intelligence, within the system set in place at the beginning of Time. Our path is already calculated, through and through. All we have to do is Trust and Flow, let go of our ideas and efforts that always bring us to the same conclusion.
I see it now, the human predicament of resistance and reaction. I see how even the moments we consider lost are part of the Whole. I can sense the beauty behind it; Life slowly unveiling its true colors. We are guided, every minute of our lives we are protected.
There is nowhere else to go, but forward, everything is designed in such a way. All our mistakes, successes; all our lovers, friendships and interactions. Everything we ever learn and everything we have forgotten. Every deep truth we discover and every false Awakening. The sum of all our moments, thoughts, emotions, actions and reaction is Love. There simply cannot be anything else, because there is nothing else.
We try hard to see, but it only makes us blinder. We push towards a goal only to be washed ashore, miles away from where we wanted to be, but exactly where we are meant to be. We build expectations only to feel disappointment, only to learn the truth of expectations, only to be given the gift of life beyond expectations.
I trust You. I surrender to You. I will keep walking, keep flowing, keep moving, trusting you will set the course and knowing I will always be on my path, because there is nothing else, really. I trust You will know when to bring people into my life and when to have me walk it alone. I trust the experiences You lay before me are exactly what I need at that moment.
I trust the hurt and judgment I receive are also needed, I don’t need to understand why; I don’t need to even ask. Every slap and hit I receive, as well as every kiss and hug, are part of that Path. I trust that. Every promise I broke, as well as every promise to me that was broken. Every kind word, every person that sees me for what I really am, despite what appears on the surface, but also every person that does not. Every touch, every opportunity to help someone, taken or missed. Everything I feel proud of and everything I feel I should have done better. There is nothing out of place; nothing miscalculated, nothing wrong. No time is ever wasted, no effort in vain.
Knowing this… trusting this is the biggest step because everything else that follows suddenly becomes easy, effortless and natural. That trust in something bigger that guides us protects us, loves us is the perfect catalyst of our Path. The moment the wisdom truly sets in – that we are small fragments on an infinite field of Love, here only to experience the “loss” of that Love and discover the path back – is the moment of true discovery, like finally grabbing the thread that leads us back to ourselves. All we need to do after that is to hold on and never let go; to keep walking, following the path weaved for us long before this Universe had a name or a form.
Oh, and to enjoy the journey back, of course.
1 comment
You have beautiful soul my dear friend. You have a way of saying things that moves through barriers as they are not there… You have filled my heart with gratitude and joy with everything you are. You are perfect just as you are and you would be missed… h&k