I know things can get tough sometimes. I know life itself can seem like a heavy burden. I know there are times you suffer. I know you are in pain. It can be all-consuming and blinding momentarily, so you forget the eternal Truth – I am here for you. It might not mean much when the pain takes over and your mind’s noise blocks everything else, but even at that moment, I am here.

When you shout your curses at God and Life and everything out there that “conspires against you”, I am here. When you are unable to rise and greet the new day, crushed by overwhelming sadness, I am here. When your mind lies to you and you believe it’s stories, I am here. When you least want me and the bliss that comes with knowing my presence; even when you ignore all the signs of it, I am here.

Whenever you are at your lowest, but still find the next step, I am there, making sure the step after that one comes quickly. The more abandoned you feel, the more alone, the more I try to be noticed, to remind you that how you feel isn’t how things really are.

I shout, but not in the way your mind can hear. My voice reaches your ears, my touch is registered by your body, my love for you is felt in your chest. But your mind takes your attention away, distracts you and pulls you towards your emotions and the very surface layer of your Being. I am there also, but you can’t feel it, there is just too much going on. So I patiently wait for you to dive inwards again, knowing its inevitable and just a matter of time and Choice.

But as I wait, I watch you cry and suffer and I observe as your foolish mind creates its foolish conclusions. I make sure the perfect experiences reach you. Perfect people, perfect conversations, perfect situations, perfect circumstances. All designed to crack the false ideas and reinforce your awareness and love. All to get you to dive in and feel me beating in your heart, whispering in the silence between two thoughts.

I rejoice when you do, I welcome you Home… and we walk together, as One.



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