Just out of something I wrote today…

– I’d want to be Superman!
– Really… Superman, huh? Well, everyone wants to be able to fly, or to have the super-strength…
– No… that’s not why!
– No? Why then?

– Imagine if you could fly away… really away, far, far away. Imagine if you could fly to the Moon, or even Jupiter or Saturn. All alone in that huge Space, among the most beautiful of God’s creations. Imagine how small that would make you. Is there any way you could ever come back and not love life? Could you ever be so closed-up not to be touched by all of it? Just think about it, how humble and joyful that would make you, and with how much love and sympathy you would look at the people down here on this planet, unaware of all the things their mind could never grasp and unable to reach for that knowledge that comes so naturally to you.

That is why I would choose to be Superman. He can move away from this Earth and see the World. He can understand how precious we are. He can put things into their real perspective and then flying and all his super-powers are irrelevant, you know? It means nothing. It doesn’t make him special, just a bit different… and ho knows that. We don’t, so we admire all those things he has, all the powers and strength. We all want to be different, but we don’t know that if we were, it wouldn’t matter.

He looked at me, surprised by what I have said. Doesn’t he know what I mean? I don’t want to be special, I just want to know the Truth.





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