I am tethered to your beauty, by the unbreakable line of my awareness and eyes wide open. We are connected in ways beyond my comprehension, but not beyond my reach. Remembering this connection fuels my faith and heals my hurts. As long as it exists, I know I will never stray too far from my true nature or forget the real value of things.

I am tethered to your ever-changing seasons and constant flow. It is the most incredible reminder that everything constantly changes, evolves, shifts. When my mind starts tricking me into believing that I, my deeds or ideas, or even my possessions are impermeable and solid, I look at your colours and feel your heartbeat, and remind myself that, although I’m here to give my hundred percent, it is for the Journey and the Experiences and Growth, not the things, ideas, creations or possessions, no matter how amazing they seem.

I am tethered to your resilience and toughness. It makes my own suffering easier to deal with, by reminding me we are made of the same stardust and all I have to do is keep my chin up and stand tall, as you do always. You are a true inspiration and you never falter, and I find solace in that, always.

I am tethered to your softness and sensitivity. Observing how fragile you are helps me find love for my own fragility and sensitivity. When the world around me mocks me, trying to close my heart and assimilate me, I think of you. When I am ashamed of my own softness because people who never experienced anything outside their minds are telling me its not a way to be, I think of you. When my heart overflows with Love and Hurt and Compassion, to the point of unbearable pain, I think of you and I’m able to breathe out.

I am tethered to your balance and try to learn from it constantly. You can be tough and apparently even cruel, but it’s never without the right measure, never when it’s not absolutely needed or necessary and it is always embraced within your compassion and guidance. You can appear as cold as stone sometimes, but when observed more carefully, there is so much Love there. Sometimes the absence of displayed love is the only way to show the right path forward. I see that within you, and I understand.

I am tethered to your infinite kindness. You give so easily and ask so little in return if anything. You radiate abundance to anyone willing and open enough to feel it. Your breath sustains me and your warmth gives joy to my heart. You provide shelter when I need it, a safe home when the world of men becomes too much to bear; a quiet understanding when words don’t help at all. Through you, I can reach new heights and within your embrace, I reconnect to myself, over and over again.

I am tethered to you, and it is a life-line that will never break. It is a chain that brings freedom and a connection that sets me free. You don’t need my gratitude, but you have it, for as long as I breathe your borrowed breaths. I found joy when I found you. I found myself in your reflections, and I keep finding more and more in your hidden corners. I will never be able to truly grasp your beauty and vastness, but I will do anything to protect it.

Thank you for all the breathless moments you gave me. Thank you for endless love and warmth; a neverending stream of beauty my eyes were blessed to witness. Thank you for all your colours and inspiration; for all your touches, cold and hot, loving and careless, pleasant and hurtful alike. I have never felt abandoned by you or disliked in any way. I have tried to listen to you at all times, truly listen… and I hope I always did well by you. You will be the frame of my last sight and a receiver of my last breath, and I cannot imagine anything more graceful and rewarding.

Tethered, to the very end.



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