Humans are masters of holding on. We hold on to things, ideas, concepts. We hold on to people, friends, lovers, society. We hold on to our beliefs and hopes we created and create constantly.

We cling to the false reality our subconscious built to protect us from the pain of not understanding the bigger picture or simply to help us move through a painful experience at some point. And we build a lot of layers of beliefs and structures, stacking them on top of each other in a complicated maze we then set to protect because we believe it represents who we are.

We each build up a very unique perspective of the world and ourselves and others in it and then use a lot of energy sustaining it, fighting Life that constantly tries to reveal holes in that limited view of ourselves, through stressful situations, people we encounter, obstacles we need to overcome.

Everything we find stressful and unfair and disrespectful and hurtful, everything we put any kind of negative emotion or label to is just Life trying to talk to us. Rather than explaining verbally or intellectually, it is allowing us the experience so that we can come up with the answers ourselves.

Of course, the nature of the Mind is to hold on, so we do our best to protect the mental buildings we have erected. The mind is focusing our attention outwards, constantly observing, judging, commenting, creating conflicts we then have to resolve. We do anything but question our own views of the world and others in it. We think “people hurt us” rather than “my expectations created this hurt”. We think “Life is cruel” rather than “I’m not seeing the bigger picture”.  We hurt so many times, and then see the positive outcome of those “hurtful” situations, again and again. Still, each time, we forget.

But, when we finally had enough pain, a silent, subtle thought appears and disrupts everything else. It squeezes through all the mind-built layers and appears right next to every emotional response to what happens to us. Eventually, it becomes an idea and finally, a beautiful act of non-action… letting go. Allowing Life to do its thing and just Be.

It only takes a breath.

Something miraculous happens when we finally let go. It is surrendering in the most beautiful way. It is not giving up, quite the opposite – it is allowing Life to be, finally. A deep sense of freedom settles in, filling in the voids holding on was covering up. Every breath becomes a smile, shoulders finally relax, thoughts finally subside, allowing Grace and Gratitude to merge and expand.

Instead of us pushing and fighting for what we think we are entitled to, we can allow for what is truly ours to come. And in doing so, we learn that what really belongs to us is so much greater than anything our mind could have envisioned before. We realize we were billionaires holding on to single coin, fighting desperately to hold on to the idea that this coin represents our wealth, something we earned, deserved and fought for. And all along, we stood in the lake of diamonds, blind to it totally.

Life was only trying to have us drop that coin so we could take our eyes off it and finally see the true Wealth that surrounds us.

A new You starts emerging. It has always been there, that beautiful soul with an enormous love for the Flow of life and it’s unexpected miracles. Nothing is added to you by letting go of your expectations, ideas and concepts. Nothing new learned. No new skills acquired. But your hands are suddenly wide open, receiving. Your mind is free to appreciate everything that is given, rather than worrying about what it feels it isn’t.

A deep appreciation starts overflowing the mind, naturally and without effort. Situations become experience, problems become challenges, people become Teachers. We realize there is nothing wrong with the world and the people in it. It was only our false Idea of it all that was creating friction. That realisation alone sets us free.

Set yourself free.


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