You don’t know my love. You’ve never felt anything like it. You might not even be aware that such a love exists, so how could you want it, or accept it when it’s offered? It might be nothing more than an abstract idea in your mind – if it rises up to the surface of your thoughts long enough to be recognised at all.

It might be too subtle and too wild. To encompassing and too specific. Too much and never enough. I know you can feel it, and I’m aware at least some of it reaches your heart when you let it, but I realize also that it’s just a warm feeling you can’t place, recognize or categorise, and the mind loves to put things in boxes and label them.

Well, this love doesn’t have a name. It doesn’t fit into any box any mind could come up with. It is subtle and gentle but runs like a fierce river rushing down a mountain. It is warm, but it never burns too hot. When allowed and recognised, it becomes the purest force of the Universe.

It shines freely, without expecting anything in return. It is it’s very nature, to just Be. It amplifies when it’s welcomed and openly received. It wants to be expressed fully, but it’s not impatient or selfish. It waits quietly, just shining, just loving, until it is truly wanted. It’s always deserved, but it needs you to accept that before it can show its true beauty.

It belongs but doesn’t attach itself. It’s as gentle as a spring sun kissing the cherry blossoms, but it can melt a stone the walls of separation are made of, given the chance.

My love overflows your cells with grace and gratitude. It brings more happiness than you ever imagined possible. And it does so quietly, through every pore and with every glance, touch and caress. It needs an open heart to fully manifest, otherwise, it’s forced to circle around and badly hide its true form in small affections and warm whispers and short hugs that never mend hearts.

You don’t know my love. You’ve never experienced anything like it. All your myths and stories; all your fantasies and imagination, your ideas, hopes and aspirations don’t even come close. You are aware of something more, but it’s as vague as trees on a foggy morning. So, how could you accept it, then?

I understand this, but I understand the potential hidden within the deepest core of every human being that wants to be happy in the truest form.

Just like my love will never stop flowing towards you, that internal voice will never cease to be. It will only get louder as the years go by because Life isn’t meant to be spent in hiding and silent content. It is meant to be screamed loudly, a bellyache of laughter and gratefulness. Our eyes are created for this kind of life, where every moment is recognised as Beauty and every experience is a gift. Our hands are made to touch every stone and dig deep into the dirt until the very heartbeat of the Earth flows through them. Our hearts are made for love that flows freely and never stops expanding, growing and discovering all its forms and shapes.

That’s how I know. That’s why I hope.




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